Featured Products

Killer-Aid Series 1 Vinyl sticker set

Killer-Aid Short sleeve t-shirt
$20.00 - $26.50

Various Movie Poster Keychains

Draytons Dine and Die
$18.00 - $25.00

Dixie Boy 'I Survived' Commemorative T-Shirt
$18.00 - $25.00

Generic Flavor #5 Horror enamel pin

"Painfully-Pleasurable Plum Killer-Aid Shaker Glass

"Double Barrel Bubble Blast" Killer-Aid Shaker Glass

"Generic Flavor #5" Killer-Aid Shaker pint glass

Coming soon
Killer-Aid Horror Mouse Mat: 80s Slasher Edition
$15.00 - $25.00

Coming soon
Killer-Aid Strawberry Slash Bash Gaming Mousepad: Unleash the Carnage in Style
$15.00 - $25.00

Drayton's BBQ Pint Glass: Never Shirk on the Meat